Pure Java opensource serverless framework
FaaSJ makes it simple to deploy existing code to Kubernetes!
Serverless is not about the physical absence of servers. It is a new approach to building systems in the cloud. FaaSJ is a 100% pure Java serverless framework.
Install k3d
Start a cluster
Execute k3d cluster create CLUSTER_NAME
to create a new single-node cluster.
k3d kubeconfig merge CLUSTER_NAME --switch-context
to update your default kubeconfig
Add the FaaSJ helm chart:
helm repo add faasj https://faasj.github.io/helm-chart/
Now deploy FaaSJ from the helm chart repo:
helm repo update && helm upgrade faasj --install faasj/faasj \
--namespace faasj \
--set generateBasicAuth=true \
--set console=true
Log into your FaaSJ console:
kubectl port-forward svc/console -n faasj 8080:8080
Now you can deploy new functions!